Young Drivers High Risk Years

Young Drivers High Risk YearsYoung Drivers High Risk Years is a video that every parent should watch! The video explains teenage driving and why first time teen licensed drivers really may not be the great drivers they seem to be when they are driving with their permit, practicing with a parent or licensed driver. The video provides tips on the best choices for a teenager’s first car.

Young Drivers High Risk Years contains invaluable information about teenage driving.

The unfortunate reality is that collision repair shops often see cars that are driven by teens and have been involved in some accident or mishap. When a collision damaged teen owned car comes in to the body shop damaged, the vast majority of the time their vehicles are repairable. That means that thankfully the teen driving was unharmed. Its a sad fact that statistically car crashes claim more teen lives than anything else.

Please watch “Young Drivers The High Risk Years” its an absolutely invaluable informational video that parents and teens are encouraged to watch. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety Teen drivers have crash rates 3 times those of drivers 20 and older per mile driven. Immaturity leads to speeding and other risky habits, and inexperience means teen drivers often don’t recognize or know how to respond to hazards.

 Please contact Turk’s Collision Repair when your teenager’s vehicle requires auto body repairs.